Linus Pauling Book Vitamin C

Linus Pauling Book Vitamin C

No Prescription Required

"I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of this therapy ... even cure it." – from Linus Pauling's Last Interview

Last Updated: Mon Mar 15 13:04:01 EDT 2021

This web site was established in 1996. The method described for treating heart disease was invented by the great American scientist Linus Pauling and his German associate Matthias Rath. These theory and protocol have been proven in practice over the past thirty years. At the required high dosages, the protocol is called The Pauling Therapy in Linus Pauling's honor. -- Owen Fonorow

"Its almost miraculous..." - Linus Pauling
I just want to say thank you, Mr Fonorow. Cardio C saved my life, all my arteries were clogged the doctors didn't know how I was still alive. To make a long story short I've never been healthier, with total blood flow. God bless you and Dr. Pauling he was more than a genius.
Donald S. (Feb 2016)

Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical following Pauling's recommendations. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.

Landmark Paper (Heart Journal, Print for Doctor)

A New Look at Atherosclerosis Repeatable Science Ushers in a New Era of Medicine

Dr. Wallace and his team routinley monitor reversals of atherosclerosis using retinal photographs. Relying on the work of the late Dr. Sydney Bush, his group has found that CVD can be reversed, just as Linus Pauling proclaimed, with the proper dosage of the therapy outlined here.


We are using your product at our clinic and having demonstrated clinical success in reversing atherosclerosis (dosage is in range of 5000-10000 mg/ day). We are confirming the results with a capillary retinopathy diagnostic.



You might consider printing the paper for your Physician/Cardiolgist and simply ask for their opinion.

Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical following Pauling's recommendations. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.

Linus Pauling's specific therapy for cardiovascular and heart diseases are high dosages of two essential nutrients; vitamin C and the amino acid lysine.

  • Vitamin C is required to strengthen arteries so that the body does not try to patch arteries with "plaster casts" (atherosclerosis).
  • Lysine is an Lp(a) binding inhibitor, meaning at sufficient dosage it can reverse the plaster cast build-up (atherosclerotic plaques.) Lp(a) is the sticky form of LDL cholesterol that Pauling/Rath identified as the primary risk factor.

"Knowing that lysyl residues are what causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form atherosclerotic plaques, any physical chemist would say at once that to prevent that put the amino acid lysine in the blood to a greater extent than it is normally. – 92-year-old Linus Pauling

Testimonials abound, yet medicine continues to ignore the science and growing evidence. As far as modern medicine is concerned, the material presented here doesn't exist.

We agree with Pauling that it is indeed miraculous that two harmless nutrients together can treat and cure heart disease. Both substances are essential foods, meaning they are both required for life (in smaller amounts). They are extremely safe in high amounts, neither has a known lethal toxic dosage.

These "miraculous" dietary supplements are available in every drug store and currently do not require prescriptions from a doctor. Heart patients should be concerned with the correct dosage; exactly how much must be taken and for how long to resolve their chronic scurvy, i.e. their chronic vitamin C deficiency (also known as cardiovascular disease or CVD.)

HeartCure.INFO Links to More Information

There is a "slight" problem . . .

The reason your doctor has never heard about this (from his or her trusted sources) is because this low-cost therapy would bankrupt every major hospital in the USA.

"Did you know that bypass surgery (in which a blocked coronary artery is replaced by a clean artery obtained from the thigh) is one of the biggest growth industries in the United States? Would it surprise you to learn that this procedure brings in more money to metropolitan hospitals than does any other type of care? In many cases bypass surgery accounts for 30 to 40 percent of a hospital's total income." – Stephen Cherniske (DHEA Breakthrough, 1996)

The Unified Theory

Latest Research on GULU Knockout Mice Proves Unified Theory

Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath first alerted the world to the cause of heart disease in 1989 -- a chronic, sub-clinical vitamin C deficiency -- due to a missing liver enzyme caused by the ancient GULO genetic defect in primate DNA. [1]

Pauling, the founder of modern chemistry, holder of 48 honorary Ph.D.s, and the world's only 2-time unshared Nobel prize laureate, theorized that too little vitamin C elevates cholesterol levels, including the Lp(a) variant that causes narrowing of blood vessels.

After Pauling learned that Lp(a) binds to strands of lysine protruding from weak and damaged blood vessels, he invented the high-lysine therapy described here.

"Knowing that lysyl residues are what causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form atherosclerotic plaques, any physical chemist would say at once that to prevent that put the amino acid lysine in the blood to a greater extent than it is normally. - 92-year-old Linus Pauling

His specific high-dosage therapy for heart disease is apparently very effective, and it has been named the Pauling Therapy in Linus's honor.

The Pauling/Rath unified (vitamin C) theory of cardiovascular disease constitutes one of the great potential breakthroughs of modern science. Their remarkable theory, and its intriguing claim that very low cost Lp(a) binding inhibitors will prevent and even dissolve arterial blockages has apparently gone unnoticed by the pharmaceutical industry, the medical profession and the media. [2]

The 'banned' Pauling/Rath Unified Theory Paper (PDF)

Note: This paper was first accepted by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, but then rejected and not published.

"Its Almost Miraculous" - Linus Pauling

In Sept. 2007 I had to get a stent in my heart. I had one vein plugged 99% one 40% and one 60%. They put a stent in the 99% one, didn't do anything for the other two. In 2008, one year later they did a Cath. and found the other two clear after taking cardio-c for one year. Also in March of 2007 My brother had a four way bypass. I finally got him taking cardio-c also.

It's been six years since any heart problems for either of us. We always get a clean bill of health from our Drs. Of course they are not interested in what we are doing.

James Brumfield (Oct 2014)

Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical following Pauling's recommendations. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.

It would be a miracle if the cure for heart disease already exists. It would be even more miraculous if the therapy that leads to the cure works quickly, (even in advanced disease), is completely non toxic, inexpensive, and if it is available at any drug store without a prescription!

When your doctor tells you that this theory "hasn't been proven," you should know that it hasn't been studied. Incredibly this outstanding achievement by one or our most outstanding scientists has been ignored. No one has proven that it doesn't work! Or you can be tame, like many people before you, and say nothing to your doctor and let him or her think their treatments somehow worked. -- Owen Fonorow

We owe a deep debt of gratitude for this miracle to America's greatest scientist, the late Linus Pauling, Ph.D., and his German associate Matthias Rath, MD.

Pauling/Rath Patents

  • 5,278,189 - Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease with Ascorbate and Substances that Inhibit the Binding of Lipoprotein(a)
  • 5,230,996 - Use of Ascorbate and (Lysine) for Organ and Blood Vessel Treatment Prior to Transplantation.
  • 5,650,418 - Therapeutic Lysine Salt Composition and Method of Use

Can It Really Be So Simple?

Briefly, researchers discovered cholesterol lysine-binding-sites that lead to heart disease. [4] [5] [6] [7] Medical doctors have heard about the "lysine binding sites", but they aren't told that these receptors are


found on one form of cholesterol; a sticky form of LDL cholestrol called Lp(a).

This discovery was verified in humang beings in 1989. A German team led by Beisiegel discovered that


Lp(a) was inside the clogged aortas of those who had died of heart disease. They did not find any ordinary LDL (bad) cholesterol [8] in these arteries near the heart. (Matthias Rath, then a medical student, was on the team. He made the probable connection between Lp(a) and vitamin C and brought this news and idea to the attention of Linus Pauling.)


Upon hearing of this discovery, Pauling invented the heart disease therapy presented here.

Rationale: If Lp(a) causes heart disease, and if Lp(a) attaches to the artery at the lysine binding sites, then the solution is apparent: Give Lp(a) in the blood something else to attach to.

Linus Pauling's brilliant invention (and now therapy named in his honor) increases the blood concentration of vitamin C and of lysine to neutralize the Lp(a).

"I recommend that every person who is at risk of heart disease should take 5 or 6 g of vitamin C and at least 2 g of lysine, although larger amounts may be necessary." - Linus Pauling

Lp(a) and the Lysine Binding Sites

"Many investigators contributed to demonstrating that it is lipoprotein(a) that is deposited in plaques, not merely LDL, but lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a) for short. If you have more than 20 mg/dl in the blood it begins to deposit plaques and causes atherosclerosis. The question then is: What causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form these plaques?

"Countless biochemists and chemists discovered what in the wall of the artery causes Lp(a) to adhere and form atherosclerotic plaques and ultimately lead to heart disease, strokes, and peripheral arterial disease. The answer is that there is a particular amino acid in a protein in the wall of the artery - lysine - which is one of the twenty amino acids that binds the Lp(a) and causes atherosclerotic plaques to develop. I THINK IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT DISCOVERY"

"Knowing that lysyl residues are what causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form atherosclerotic plaques,

any physical chemist would say at once that to prevent that put the amino acid lysine in the blood to a greater extent than it is normally. You need lysine, it is essential, you have to get about 1 gram a day to keep in protein balance, but we can take lysine, pure lysine, a perfectly non toxic substance as supplements, which puts extra lysine molecules in the blood. They enter into competition with the lysyl residues on the wall of arteries and accordingly count to prevent Lp(a) from being deposited, or even will work to pull it loose and destroy atherosclerotic plaques."

Linus Pauling (From the Linus Pauling Video on Heart Disease, 1992)

Subequently, researchers at the University of Chicago discovered the proline-binding-site on Lp(a).[9]

Pauling Therapy Primer

Internet Sensation Jared Rand Discusses His Personal Experience with Cardio-C

"I swear by it.."
"Cleanest, best vitamin C..."
"I've used Cardio-C for years..."
"I know people who have used it for many years.. Cardio-C has kept them alive.."
"Caller: After heart attack... I took myself off all meds... 2 scoops daily..Doc gave me a complete clean bill of health on my heart..."
"Just Spectacular..."
"About the company: I'm been using them for ages.. they are really good.. a good group of people.."
- Jared Rand

Early Pauling Lecture on the Heart Disease Discovery

Confirmation from the Eye

Dr. Sydney Bush, a noted British optometrist, is the founder of CardioRetinometry, a new medical field that analyzes the future health of the heart. "We are looking into life's secrets," Bush said, "When we look inside the eye - to call it a crystal ball of your future is an understatement." In addition, Bush found that vitamin C can improve that future. With Cardioretinometry, doctors can actually track how much vitamin C diminishes the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels."

Why Don't Doctors Know?

"The medical establishment refers to bypass surgery as "preventive care" even though studies show that bypass surgery does not extend overall life expectancy. (That's because the newly grafted artery usually starts clogging right away.)" – Stephen Cherniske (DHEA Breakthrough)

Most doctors haven't heard about this because there have been no published studies. (No one goes to jail when a cure for a major disease is not evaluated by science.) Most people rely on their doctors for medical information. The Pauling-therapy for heart disease works quickly. Patients have consistently reported symptom relief in ten days or less, even in advanced disease. The effect is rapid and undeniable, thus the reasons that most people haven't heard about this are not based on science, rather malfeasance.

Then there are the drugs used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol -- another growth industry. These drugs are also called "preventive care" even though there are studies showing that individuals treated with them have increased overall mortality and even though an entire class of blood pressure medications have been shown to increase the risk for heart attack. - Stephen Cherniske (DHEA Breakthrough)

NIH Refuses to Study Pauling/Rath Therapy

The Pauling therapy is simple. Take high doses of two nutrients that are required for life. Doing so can prevent and even cure many forms of cardiovascular and heart disease - in days or weeks. The question becomes how much should one take?

We, under the auspices of the Vitamin C Foundation, submitted two study proposals to the United States National Institutes of Health, (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine. We were inexperienced in submitting such proposals, but the NIH was free to solicit its own studies. Either proposal would have fairly evaluated the Pauling therapy on heart disease.

  • The 2002 Study Proposal
  • The 1998 Study Propoasl

These submissions (and subsequent rejections) are a matter of public record.

Probably the main reason that this important discovery has been ignored is economic: Think of more than half the hospitals in your region closing.

With medical science asleep at the switch, we have been promoting and closely monitoring the effect of Pauling's therapy on heart patients for almost thirty years. [10] One thing has become crystal clear:

The large doses recommended by Linus Pauling are key to success

[11] [12]. Neither nutrient has any known lethal toxic dose in animal or human studies.

The reports have been so amazing that we documented the protocol and success stories in a book Practicing Medicine Without A Licence.

This long-term experience, (initially with dying heart patients who gave up on orthodox medicine and were taking a myriad of heart medications), leaves little doubt that :

Cardiovascular (Heart) disease at its root is a vitamin C deficiency.

Science can not dispute this assertion because it has never been tested at Pauling's recommended dosages.

So why after all these years and so many reports of success does medical research still have its collective head in the sand? We can only think of one reason:

The method for reversing heart disease invented by Linus Pauling does not require a doctor.

"Its Almost Miraculous" - Linus Pauling

August, 2011

"Dear Owen Fonorow,

I want to thank you for saving my life!

It was articles written by you that were published in the "Townsend Letters" ten years ago, when you described the Linus Pauling protocols regarding cardio-vascular disease. In 2002, I began following Dr. Pauling's recommendations and continue until today with the results recorded in the attached medical records.

I feel indebted to you, Dr. Fonorow, for providing me with information that has enabled me to live the last ten years of my life in excellent health. Thank you for keeping LInus Pauling's legacy alive.

If the information contained in the enclosed (13 year & experience with Lp(a)) can be of benefit to your cause, you have my permission to use said information , in any manner, shope, or form, with no strings attached.

Thank you sincerely,

Dave G. Cramer
((a humble 84 year old follower & believer)

Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical with these products. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.

Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

In my clinic, we have a saying, "Heart disease is easier to treat than low-back pain." This treatment, when done correctly, works wonders. Out of all my heart disease patients, I have had only one who did not improve significantly, and that one patient did not use the recommended type of vitamin C. Another patient last year completely reversed her heart disease in 2 months."

Dr. Cobb is a physician who is familiar with the protocol and uses it in his practice. Article reprinted with permission from

New article by Dr. Cobb. Three Cases of Heart Disease Reversed (PDF)

"Her MD then told her that "I don't usually get to tell a patient this, but" - she didn't have heart disease any more, there was no need to put stents in, and she should come back in two years.

"In financial terms, my total income from these 3 reversals of heart disease is $65.00."

Without discovering your website, I might not be here today! "Thanks" seems hardly adequate.

Best Wishes,
David Leake

Note: Mr Leake has documented his long battle with heart disease, culminating in his doctors declaring him free of disease, in a wonderful new book: A (Patented) Heart Disease Cure That Works!
And here is Mr Leake's proof: His online medical records:

The exciting news for most heart patients, especially those diagnosed with severe heart disease and who are suffering heart pain, is that their symptoms

can be reversed in as little as ten days by following Linus Pauling's specific dosage recommendations.

Results are dramatic, and if the person can be helped, they will know in a very short period of time – as long as they are compliant, that is, keep taking the correct high "Pauling" dosages.

(See Owen Fonorow's protocol and the recommended Pauling-therapy products)

There is another problem . . .

Former severely ill patients begin feeling so well over time that they feel completely cured and stop taking their high doses of vitamin C.

Stopping the Pauling therapy (high dose vitamin C and lysine) seems to invariably return the person to the condition they were in before starting the Pauling therapy, in about six months.

We believe that the very high dosage can be lessened over time, but we don't know by how much. It is clear that vitamin C should not be stopped altogether, and continuing high dosages is cheap "insurance." (This problem should not be an issue for people taking these supplements for prevention and were feeling well to begin with.)

Getting the Word Out . . .

The vast medical-pharmaceutical-governmental complex still laughs and refuses to study any of this!

Consider joining our referral incentive program. Learn from others about their experience, and save money as you share your experience with newbies.

We know it can be hard to convince loved ones because of this, but here is a sample letter to use when sending a relative or friend my book and one of our products. As hard as this is to believe, you, your friends and relatives can ignore the science and believe Fake Medicine that there is none, or you can take your cardiovascular health into your own hands. It usually takes an end-stage patient less than one month to find out whether the Pauling therapy can work for them.

If you are just starting, it would be a good idea to have yourself videotaped, illustrating your current condition and itemizing your medical procedures, medications and any supplements. After a month or so, video tape yourself again. If you feel like sharing these videos, please contact us.

Owen Fonorow

Vitamin C
Practicing Medicine Without A
Natures Perfect



Owen Fonorow;

The most valuable book I have ever owned is "Practicing Medicine Without A license." (Now on Amazon Kindle).

Please let me know when I will be able to obtain a copy of the Handbook Volume 2. (Here)

Thank you for you valuable time.

Sincerely Yours; Gloria G.

Read more about this book here .

A Owen's book documents the amazing (then) 12-year history of the Pauling/Rath theory and therapy for reversing coronary heart disease.

Owen's enhanced Pauling-therapy protocol for reversing heart disease from the book is available as an excerpt (PDF file). This protocol prevents and often reverses coronary heart disease, something Pauling predicated was possible after the patient corrects an ancient genetic (GLO) defect. Owen's protocols are based on his 14+ years of study and recommending the Pauling therapy to heart patients.

"Heart patients who elected to follow Linus Pauling's advice recovered in approximately 30 days, and many experienced significant relief in as little as 10 days. The recoveries only occurred after these former patients adopted the high dosage vitamin C and lysine therapy as specifically recommended by Linus Pauling. These patients usually adopted the Pauling-therapy without their doctor's knowledge or consent." - Owen Fonorow from Practicing Medicine Without a License ? The story of the Linus Pauling therapy for heart disease

Book Excerpt Chapter 7 - The Pauling Therapy Protocol (PDF)

Read all about this book.

Order the Book.

For more than a decade we have observed amazing reversals which often occur in 10 to 14 days without any known risks. In case after case.

Listen to Linus Pauling
The story of the invention, and the first three cases of the Pauling Therapy. (8 minutes) mp3

Dosage is key. Amazingly, medical "science" has ignored the Pauling Therapy.

The "profession" has not published a single study of Pauling's recommended dosages of vitamin C and lysine, or conducted public clinical trials. Not one.

(Consider this: Medicine has conducted more than 1000 trials of the statin prescription cholesterol-lowering drugs, most showing little or no heart benefit.)

Linus Pauling's Original Dosage Recommendations (1 minute) mp3

This complete lack of interest has allowed organized medicine to dismiss the Pauling/Rath claim a priori as unproven, without comment or critique.

Become an informed patient. After a little reading, you will soon know more about heart disease than your doctors. - Owen R. Fonorow, Orthomolecular Naturopath and Concerned Citizen


Vitamin E

Linus Pauling long recommended 400 to 800 iu of vitamin E for cardiovascular disease. Several authors have pointed to an extensive study conducted by the World Health Organization on thousands of men and women from sixteen nations. The study illustrated that a low level of vitamin E in the blood was more than twice as predictive of heart attack than either high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Inverse correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortality from ischemic heart disease in cross-cultural epidemiology.

Note: We recommend the Unique-E brand of Vitamin E from A. C. Grace.

Vitamin K

The Pauling (Vitamin C/Lysine) therapy does not immediately resolve hard calcified arteries. Vitamin K will do this job, and for this reason, we have long recommended supplementing the Pauling therapy with daily vitamin K.

The ability of vitamin K to act as a hormone moving calcium from soft tissue into bones is described in this year 2000 Life Extension Magazine report, largely based on research in Japan Life Extension Vitamin K Report

The following anecdotes illustrate a) vitamin C and lysine do not rapidly decalcify arteries, but b) adding vitamin K to the routine apparently will.

Case one: Tower CEO and founder William Decker, while in his 70s, had a history of cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure). Mr. Decker invented his Heart Technology drink after learning about Lp(a) first-hand from Linus Pauling. A friend had developed a new fast CT scanning device and asked Decker if he wanted to use it to evaluate his Heart Technology product. Decker underwent the scan, which revealed very high calcium scores, i.e., severe disease. Decker checked himself into the hospital for an angiogram which was negative. No blockages were detected. From this we infer that calcium scores may not indicate blockages, but probably reflect poor elasticity of the arteries. At this point Mr. Decker had been taking his own Heart Technology product for years (@ 2 servings/day),
Case Two: Some years later, at a trade show, Owen and Tower Laboratories CEO and founder William Decker both had their arterial stiffness index (ASI) measured by CardioVision, a computerized blood pressure device. Owen's score was normal (e.g. ASI of 50) but Decker's was five times as high (ASI over 250). This test seemed to confirm the CT Scan that Decker may have had high amounts of calcium in his arteries. Owen referred Decker to the Life Extension article on the properties of vitamin K to reduce calcium in soft tissues. Mr. Decker began 1 tablet vitamin K supplement, his only change in his routine. One year later, at the same trade show, they both had their ASI computed again. This time, Decker's score had dropped to a normal 50 ASI. The only change that year had been adding vitamin K to his supplements.

Note: Many heart medications interfere with vitamin K leading to calcification's. We believe that vitamin K2 is safe for people taking these drugs. Vitamin K2 will not interfere with these drug's anti-clotting medications and will oppose the soft tissue calcification.

Most recently, Life Extension published more astounding information on the reduced mortality risk from high blood serum levels of vitamin K. High levels of Vitamin K, much like Vitamin C, can cut your risk of death or major disease in half. See: The Surprising Longevity Benefits of Vitamin K.

Download (pdf): Pauling's entire heart protocol with Owen's additions.


DHEA is another interesting piece of the cardiovascular puzzle, especially as we age. Most heart patients are over the age of 40 and, like most people in middle age, the blood levels of the anabolic steroid DHEA have declined steeply from youthful levels. There is a school of thought based on considerable research that balancing levels of this hormone to match levels of a 30-year-old will lead to significant health and longevity benefits. Biochemist and DHEA expert Stephen Cherniske quotes a 1986 study on page 167 in his book THE METABOLIC PLAN

A 100 micrograms per deciliter increase in DHEA sulfate concentrations corresponded with a 48% reduction in mortality due to cardiovascular disease and a 36% reduction in mortality for any reason. The natural level of DHEA sulfate was measured and those individuals with the higher DHEA sulfate levels lived longer and had a much lower risk of heart disease. A prospective study of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, mortality, and cardiovascular disease

Cherniske's book DHEA Breakthrough (and the later Metabolic Makeover books) review the research, and are good sources of information about DHEA.


An important part of the story are the products invented by entrepreneur William Decker, Founder of Tower Laboratories. These tasty drink mix products have no fillers. These drinks allow patients to easily achieve the dosages Pauling recommended, while avoiding the large number of pills that would otherwise be necessary.


Place your order for Tower HeartTechnology products and Vitamin C Foundation Cardio-C products from here

Discounts for Tower products good on first time retail sales only and NOT monthly autoships.

If you prefer calling, Tower's order line number is 877-869-3752 and we mention Owen sent you to you place your first-time Tower order and get the discount.


Order Cardio-C and Ascorbade on-line directly from the Vitamin C Foundation. (Or call Vitamin C Foundation at 800-894-9025).


Mention Owen when you register at or call Tower directly. Please use this link to order directly from Tower. Registered users may receive a 30% discount on their first Retail order. If in doubt, call us at 877-869-3752 and we'll place the first order for you.


Maybe your cardiologist has answers. Unfortunately, it has been our experience that most cardiologist have little idea what really


heart disease. This is a strange statement. If you doubt it, why not try an experiment. Ask your doctor the following:

  1. Most animals do not suffer heart disease, yet gorillas and other high-order primates (including humans) do. Why?
  2. Why do most atherosclerotic plaques form in the arteries, but not in the veins?
  3. Why do the plaques narrow and clog coronary arteries on the surface of the heart but not inside the heart?
  4. Why aren't blockages (infarctions) more common throughout the blood stream, especially where the blood pools or moves slowly, i.e., in the ears, fingers or nose?
  5. Why do more than 50% of the heart attack and strokes occur in people without any of the generally accepted cardiovascular risk factors?
  6. Why do people with low cholesterol still suffer heart attacks and stroke?
  7. Why do about half of the surgical heart procedures fail? (In other words, why do the plaques grow back with a vengeance?)
  8. Why has the cardiovascular mortality rate declined since the 1950s, and decreased by almost half during the 1970s, after Linus Pauling's Vitamin C book become a best seller?
  9. Why is cholesterol elevated in heart patients?
  10. Why have major cholesterol-drug studies not released the raw data to scientists?
  11. Why do drug companies routinely cut studies short just after mortality in the study groups begins to rise?
  12. Why hasn't medical science investigated the Pauling/Rath theory?

The "cholesterol" theory has no answer to these questions, but the Pauling/Rath unified theory does.

Listen to Owen Discuss the Pauling Heart Therapy on the Jeff Rense Show (Streaming Windows Audio)

Find the answers to the above questions and more in a new book about the Pauling therapy, Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease .

Important Cases

"Its Almost Miraculous" - Linus Pauling

Carol "2"

Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on Jeff Rense National Radio Show

Hi Owen,

In answer to some questions on your forum on how I found out that my heart was clear from plaque.:::: I had a Nuclear Stress test late in 2006 that showed my heart in real distress. The pictures that the test recorded, showed that my heart's arteries were nearly completely darkened in by plaque. This means that the arteries were all clogged, i.e., getting very little oxygen. My doctor said that I needed a bypass or a stent and must start on statin drugs immediately. I turned it all down. Needless to say he was really worried. I was very sick...couldn't walk far or fast, out of breath, blue feet...I felt like I was dying. Sooooo I started taking the Linus Pauling cure that I had been reading about... smile... I started feeling better within the first week. Each time I went to see my cardiologist he would comment on how well I was doing. My EKG's were even getting better. Then I took another Nuclear Stress test in late 2007, which showed my heart to be clear of plaque.

My doctor drew a picture of before and after for me. My feet went from blue in 2006 to skin color in 2007... My cardiologist said he no longer recommends a bypass or statin drugs. I have new energy...and a new life. A few months later in 2008, I had an echo cardiogram performed which showed my heart had gone back to normal size and that my valves were working perfectly. Previous to 2006 it had been enlarged. And that's the simple truth. My doctor is still amazed. I'm still working on the AFIB. You can put this on your forum... Carol 2

: Owen's First Nationwide Radio Interview on Rense, May 22, 2008 (Windows Media Player) C
Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on Jeff Rense National Radio Show

"Its Almost Miraculous" - Linus Pauling


Hi Owen,

Well I had my Doctor appointment this morning to discuss the results of all the tests my doctor had ordered. The good news is that everything was in normal ranges... His words were "You have no kidney or liver damage and also NO nerve damage to your eyes or feet which is pretty amazing considering that you have been a diabetic for almost 50 years." He said to keep doing whatever I have been doing because it is working and then he said "WOW". It made me feel good. Blood pressure was 112/60 68 and my heart is behaving again, and I am doing great.

Of course, he did bring up the fact that he wished I would consider taking Cholesterol pills. I asked "WHY?" since my test results were all very good. He just said that "it is a benefit for all patients to be on Cholesterol pills." I just smiled and said Cholesterol isn't the bad guy, cholesterol didn't cause my last two heart attacks, and I will not take any Cholesterol meds. I don't need them and he didn't argue with me. I truly believe that if I wasn't taking the high-dose Vitamin C in the Tower Laboratories products and the Unique E, I would not have received these great results again. Tower Ascorsine-9 and Unique E are an unbeatable team to good health and every Diabetic and heart patient should be faithfully taking them.

Thank you so much for helping me find the wonderful Tower product that works! - Carol Smith

: Owen's First Nationwide Radio Interview on Rense, May 22, 2008 (RealPlayer)

Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on Jeff Rense National Radio Show (Aug 14, 2008)

Read more testimony including more of Carol's amazing 10-year experience using Tower Labs Pauling-therapy formulas and A. C. Grace's Unique-E


The lack of attention to Pauling's ideas has resulted in an epidemic of sudden death of gorillas in captivity. Gorillas like man suffer heart disease because they cannot make their own vitamin C.

Unfortunately, the gorillas dying in zoos strongly supports the Pauling/Rath theory. However, Pauling provided the solution to the plight of gorillas -- as well as humans. With your help we can save lives. Owen and Sally's paper on gorilla deaths.

Linus Pauling Vindicated

The Original (Archive)


"The lower your vitamin C blood and tissue levels go, the greater your chances of developing significant heart disease." Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Board Certified Cardiologist and author of Stop America's #1 Killer

Do You Suffer From a Treatable Heart Condition?

  1. How often to you suffer chest pain?
    1. Almost never or never
    2. A few times (much less than half the time)
    3. Sometimes (about half the time)
    4. Most times (much more than half the time)
    5. Almost always or always
  2. Have you suffered a heart attack?
    1. Never to my knowledge
    2. Once and it was mild
    3. Several mild heart attacks
    4. I am lucky to be alive
  3. Have you had a heart bypass operation?
    1. Never to my knowledge
    2. Angiogram
    3. Angioplasty
    4. coronary bypass
    5. Quadruple coronary bypass
    6. Multiple coronary bypass operations
  4. Do you know your cholesterol numbers?
    1. I do not know my cholestol and Lp(a) numbers.
    2. Total Cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl and Lp(a) less than 20 mg/dl
    3. Total Cholesterol between 201 and 250 mg/dl and Lp(a) elevated
    4. Total Choesterol greater than 250 mg/dl and Lp(a) above 40mg/dl
  5. Have you or are you now taking heart medications?
    1. Never to my knowledge
    2. I take a statin cholesterol-lowering drug
    3. I take over two to five different heart medications
    4. I take more than six prescriptions related to my heart disease
  6. Have much vitamin C do you take regularly
    1. I take more than 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily
    2. I take more than 5,000 mg of vitamin C daily
    3. I take more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily
    4. I only take vitamin C when I feel a cold coming on
    5. I take the recommended 200 mgs or less daily
    6. Never or almost never supplement vitamin C

Add up your score. If less than 10, your vitamin C intake is probably close to optimal. However, if your score is 20 points or more, you would be wise to heed Linus Pauling's advice!

Question #6 is the most important and the answer is usually inversely proportional to the earlier answers. In other words, the less vitamin C you take regularly, the more serious we predict your heart disease is.


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  2. Fonorow, O.R., Chronic Scurvy: The Suppression the Real Nature, Cause, and Cure for Heart Disease, (2005), []
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  7. Beisiegel U; Rath M; Reblin T; Wolf K; Niendorf A., Lipoprotein(a) in the arterial wall. (1990), [](abstract)
  8. Klezovitch O, Edelstein C, Scanu AM., Evidence that the fibrinogen binding domain of Apo(a) is outside the lysine binding site of kringle IV-10: a study involving naturally occurring lysine binding defective lipoprotein(a) phenotypes. (1996), [].
  9. Fonorow, O.R., The Cure for Heart Disease: Condensed, (2004), []
  10. David Leake, D Leake CAD History 1989 to 2011, [
  11. Linus Pauling, et. al., Sucess Stories (collected by Owen Fonorow), []

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Linus Pauling Book Vitamin C


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